Mozart, Great Mass in C minor

The Great Mass in C minor is considered, along with the Requiemto be the pinnacle of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's religious works. This composition, a promise made to his wife before their marriage, was unfortunately never completed. Often performed in its unfinished version, the Great Mass in C minor has been completed by musicologists and performers alike.

Franck-Emmanuel Comte offers a version that draws on Mozart's earlier works, as the composer himself did for the premiere of his work in Salzburg in 1783. Le Concert de l'Hostel Dieu performs this version on ancient instruments.


1. Kyrie, Great Mass in C minor
2. Gloria, Great Mass in C minor
3. Laudamus te, Great Mass in C minor
4. Gratias, Great Mass in C minor
5. Domine, Great Mass in C minor
6. Qui tollis, Great Mass in C minor
7. Quoniam, Great Mass in C minor
8. Jesu Criste - Cum sancto spirito, Great Mass in C minor
9. Credo, Messe en ut K.427 (révisions par le CHD)
10. Et incarnatus est, Messe en ut K.427 (révisions par le CHD)
11. Crucifixus, excerpts from Missa longa K.262
12. Et resurrexit, excerpts from Missa longa K.262
13. Et in Spiritum sanctum - Credo, excerpts from Missa longa K.262
14. Et vitam venturi, excerpts from Missa longa K.262
15. Sanctus et Osanna, Great Mass in C minor
16. Benedictus et Osanna, Great Mass in C minor
17. Agnus Dei, Messe en ut K.427 (adaptation Alois Schmitt)

Heather Newhouse, soprano
Ilektra Platiopoulou, mezzo soprano
Rémy Poulakis, tenor
Paul-Henry Vila, bass
Choir and orchestra of the Concert de l'Hostel Dieu
Franck-Emmanuel Comte, direction

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