Vivaldi, Gloria

Program: Vivaldi, Scarlatti, Corelli, old Italian folk carols

This festive and brilliant disc illustrates the joyous atmosphere that characterises the Advent season. These scores by the great Italian masters give us a taste of the exhilaration that 18th-century men and women could feel as Christmas approached. Vivaldi and his contemporaries delighted in painting the touching and expressive pictures of the Nativity in music, drawing on their knowledge of eloquence and rhetoric. In this way, Baroque exuberance found its setting, and the emotions specific to the Christmas spirit were translated into sound. Alongside this well-known music, the concert will conclude with a performance of popular carols collected in the Italian provinces. From Tuscany to Sicily, we'll be discovering these delightful and naive musical miniatures, whose melodies are ultimately unfamiliar to us.


Gloria RV 589, Antonio Vivaldi
1. Gloria in exclesis Deo (allegro)
2. Et in terra pax (andante)
3. Laudamus te (allegro)
4. Gratias agimus tibi (adagio)
5. Propter magnam gloriam tuam (allegro)
6. Domine Deus
7. Domine Fili unigenite (allegro)
8. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei (adagio)
9. Qui tollis peccata mundi (adagio)
10. Qui sedes ad dexteram patris (allegro)
11. Quoniam tu solus sanctus (allegro)
12. Cum Sancto Spiritu (allegro)

Concerto grosso « Fatto per la notte di Natale », Arcangelo Corelli
13. Vivace e Grave
14. Allegro
15. Adagio, allegro e adagio
16. Vivace
17. Allegro

Cantata per la notte di Natale, Alessandro Scarlatti
18. Aria « Pargoletto in rozze fasce »
19. Récitativo « Innocente pastorii »
20. Duo « Si, vi brama »
21. Aria « Lagrime amare »
22. Aria « Tempo non e di piangere »
23. Récitativo « Veggo stella clemente »
24. Coro « Amato mio Gesù »

Noëls populaires italiens des XVIIème et XVIIIème siècles
25. Puer Natus in Bethleem, canto gregoriano
26. Per la natività del Signore, lauda spirituale
27. Bambino divino, canzone
28. La notte di Natale
29. Dormi, Dormi o bel Bambin
30. Canzonetta Spirituale sopra alla nanna, Tarquinio Merula

Heather Newhouse, soprano
Anthea Pichanick, mezzo soprano

Orchestra and Chamber Choir of the Concert de l'Hostel Dieu
Franck-Emmanuel Comte, direction

Live : 18 et 19 décembre 2012 à Saint-Bonaventure (69)
Label: CHD

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