Talestri, Queen of Amazons
The feminine baroque
Talestri, Queen of Amazons
The feminine baroque
Talestri, Regina delle amazzoni, an opera in 3 acts (Dresde, 1763)
Music and text by Maria-Antonia Walpurgis, princess of Bavaria
Bérénice Collet, stage direction
Franck-Emmanuel Comte, musical direction
Le Concert de l’Hostel Dieu
Christophe Ouvrard, scénographie et costumes
Alexandre Ursini, création lumières
Stefano Intrieri, chef de chant et diction italienne
Lou Braul, assistante à la mise en scène
Emilie Rose Bry, soprano : Tomiri, grande prêtresse de Diane
Anara Khassenova, soprano : Talestri, princesse puis reine des Amazones
Anaïs Yvoz, mezzo soprano : Antiope, sa sœur
Iannis Gaussin, tenor : Oronte, prince de Sythie, amant de Talestri, ex-Orizia compagne de jeu de Talestri
Joao Cabral, tenor : Learco, compagnon d’Oronte, puis amant d’Antiope
22 MUSICIANS (2 flutes, 2 obeos, 1 ou 2 bassoons, 2 horns/trumpets, timbals, 12 stings, harpsichord)
Apolline Raï-Westphal, soprano
Célia Heulle, mezzo soprano
Alexia Macbeth, mezzo soprano
Benjamin Locher, conter-tenor
Yannick Badier, tenor
Ronan Debois, baritone
Talestri, Queen of the Amazons stages the war between men and women, among the Amazons who have sworn the death of men after having undergone their vicissitudes, until love interferes, in the heart of their queen, and the virtue and courage of the Scythian prince and his companion incite them to change their laws....
Talestri’s character (Thalestris in French), a rational and kind queen, could be very similar to Marie-Antoinette of Bavaria. Maria-Antonia Walpurgis, who worked with her husband on political reforms, shows us the opera from the women’s point of view, especially from Talestri, who does not lose her power by marrying after having abolished the extreme laws of her kingdom in order to reconciliate with her enemies. The music, shifting from Baroque to Classical, has a liveliness and a remarkable sense of drama, accompanied by the orchestra and poignant arias.
La mise en scène
Bérénice Collet met en scène cette « guerre des sexes », avec travestissements théâtraux (l’amoureux déguisé en suivante de la reine) sur travestissements musicaux (les rôles d’homme sont aussi écrits pour des voix aiguës), avec outre les couples amoureux, un beau rôle de la grande prêtresse, qui devra faire un travail de pardon sur les offenses qu’elle a subies afin d’accueillir son fils disparu.

Production : Arcal, compagnie nationale de théâtre lyrique et musical
Musical direction Franck-Emmanuel Comte / Le Concert de l’Hostel Dieu
Staging Bérénice Collet
Le Concert de L’Hostel-Dieu
Centre des Bords de Marne - Le Perreux
ÔLYRIX – 30/09/2021
« Le Concert de l'Hostel Dieu dirigé par Franck-Emmanuel Comte offre la richesse des timbres et des contrastes baroques, dans la maîtrise des formes classiques. »
LE FIGARO – 04/10/2021 – Thierry Hillériteau
« Aux manettes, Franck-Emmanuelle Comte et son Concert de l’Hostel Dieu insufflent l’énergie nécessaire qui ne manque pas de dramatisme, lorgnant tour à tour du côté de Hasse ou Mozart. »
Past performances

Maria Antonia De Saxe
Maria Antonia Walpurgis Symphorosa was a woman of power with many facets. Born a Bavarian princess, electress of Saxony by marriage, composer and singer, she was also a sought-after librettist and a great patron of the arts, turning her court into "a Saxon Versailles. But one of her main talents was undoubtedly that of associating art and power by commissioning or composing. The political brilliance that she brought to her works contributed to her image as an enlightened sovereign.